
Vision: Bible Truth for Marin and Beyond

Marin Bible longs to see men, women, and children become followers of Jesus who are theologically sound and  spiritually mature. We believe that the proclamation of the Bible coupled with the power of the Holy Spirit is the primary means by which God draws people to Himself and enables them to grow in their walk with God.  (Romans 10:17; Galatians 3:5)

For that reason, the Scriptures are central to all we do at Marin Bible. We strive to have worship that reflects biblical truth, and we preach primarily expository messages through books of the Bible. Our ministries to kids and teens include focused Bible teaching and application, and our Life Groups and Discipleship groups revolve around the study and application of biblical truth. 

Giving the Scriptures priority in our services and ministries reflects the priority of God’s truth in our personal lives and offers our family of believers a unifying objective truth apart from our own personal opinions and preferences. We are family, not because we agree in every area of life, but because we all long to see Christ as He is revealed in the Bible. No other source of truth has the power to unify a diverse gathering of people. (Ephesians 4:11-13)

Though there are many ways to minister to people, we make the proclamation of the gospel to be a cornerstone of all we do. There is only one Savior given to humans for salvation – Jesus Christ, and all Scriptures point to Him. (John 5:39)